Smoothing/reinterpolating raster with GDAL?

1) The hard way: With a bit of coding it's (relatively) easy to implement bilinear interpolation to accomplish decent resampling.

2) The easy way: use GDAL as explained in this previous GISSE post, but in reverse (decreasing the pixel size).

Use GDALReprojectImage, which is exposed in Python:

from osgeo import gdal

For the smooth interpolation, use bilinear or cubic methods. This function is awkward, since it doesn't take keyword arguments, thus you need to find the position:

gdal.ReprojectImage(src_ds, dst_ds, None, None, gdal.GRA_Bilinear)

Probably the tricky part is setting up dst_ds, which needs to have a geotransform similar to src_ds, but with modified cell sizes.