Smooth scroll in Visual Studio code

// Controls if the editor will scroll using an animation

  "editor.smoothScrolling": false,

// Enable this workaround if scrolling is no longer smooth after restoring a minimized VS Code window. This is a workaround for an issue ( where scrolling starts to lag on devices with precision trackpads like the Surface devices from Microsoft. Enabling this workaround can result in a little bit of layout flickering after restoring the window from minimized state but is otherwise harmless.

  "window.smoothScrollingWorkaround": false

Those are the defaults, set to true for smooth scrolling (second setting only if you need it).

Also see smooth scrolling in lists and trees: v1.46 release notes adds this setting:

workbench.list.smoothScrolling for the explorer, etc.

Update November 2020

VS Code has been updated and its settings UI also has changed. So to enable smooth scrolling in VS Code. Go to settings and just search smooth you can just enable this setting to enable smooth scrolling. enter image description here

I was also looking for this and found out that they do have an inbuilt setting for this in vscode.

Under Settings > In the search bar, search for "scroll" > Editor: Smooth Scrolling