Slick carousel right to left

in your rtl css add below without any edit on

[dir='rtl'] .slick-slide { float: left; }

Setup "slidesToScroll" property to a negative value (e.g slidesToScroll: -1,) is not a native solution. This produced images smooth flow problem.

The right way is to add an attribute dir="ltr" to the slider's container (HTML element) OR add rtl: false property to slider settings:

// add an attribute dir="ltr" to the slider's container
//$('.slider').attr('dir', 'ltr');

// OR add `rtl: false` property to slider settings

  autoplay: true,
  slidesToShow: 3,
  slidesToScroll: 3,
  dots: true,
  infinite: true,
  cssEase: 'linear',
  rtl: false

Note: This will reverse text direction also which can be changed by the CSS direction: ltr;

JS Fiddle Example

Change the slidesToScroll to a -1 (it will change the slide direction)

       speed: 10000,
       autoplay: true,
       autoplaySpeed: 100,
       cssEase: 'linear',
       slidesToShow: 1,
       slidesToScroll: -1,
       variableWidth: true
