Skipping more than one row in Python csv

Skipping 5 header lines using list comprehension:

import csv

nheaderlines = 5

with open(path + file) as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)

    [next(reader, None) for item in range(nheaderlines)]

    for row in reader:

You can use itertools.islice, passing the line you want to begin writing from as the second parameter so for line 6 being 0 based you use 5, If stop is None, then iteration continues until the iterator is exhausted

import  csv

from itertools import islice

with open("in.csv") as f, open("out.csv","w") as out:
    r = csv.reader(islice(f, start=5,stop=None))
    wr = csv.writer(out)

You don't necessarily need the csv module if you are keeping the lines as is:

with open("in.csv") as f, open("out.csv","w") as out:
    r = islice(f, 5 ,None)

You can add a counter and an if statement to a for loop.

count = 0
for line in opened_file:
    if count < 5:
        count += 1
    #Parse lines


