Skip one test in test file Jest

You can also exclude test or describe by prefixing them with an x.

Individual Tests

describe('All Test in this describe will be run', () => {
  xtest('Except this test- This test will not be run', () => {
  test('This test will be run', () => {

Multiple tests inside a describe

xdescribe('All tests in this describe will be skipped', () => {
 test('This test will be skipped', () => {

 test('This test will be skipped', () => {

I found the answer here

test('it is raining', () => {

test.skip('it is not snowing', () => {

Link on off doc

Skip a test

If you'd like to skip a test in Jest, you can use test.skip:

test.skip(name, fn)

Which is also under the following aliases:

  • it.skip(name, fn) or
  • xit(name, fn) or
  • xtest(name, fn)

Skip a test suite

Additionally, if you'd like to skip a test suite, you can use describe.skip:

describe.skip(name, fn)

Which is also under the following alias:

  • xdescribe(name, fn)