Skip an RSpec test case at runtime

Use exclusion filters.

describe "market a", :market => 'a' do
describe "market b", :market => 'b' do
describe "market c", :market => 'c' do

RSpec.configure do |c|
  # Set these up programmatically; 
  # I'm not sure how you're defining which market is 'active'
  c.filter_run_excluding :market => 'a'
  c.filter_run_excluding :market => 'b'
  # Now only tests with ":market => 'c'" will run.

Or better still, use implicit filters.

describe "market a", :if => CurrentMarket.a? do # or whatever

I spotted this question looking for a way to really skip examples that I know are going to fail now, but I want to "unskip" them once the situation's changed. So for rspec 3.8 I found one could use skip inside an example just like this:

it 'is going to fail under several circumstances' do
  skip("Here's the reason") if conditions_met?

Actually, in most situations (maybe not as complicated as in this question) I would rather use pending instead of skip, 'cause it will notify me if tests stop failing, so I can "unskip" them. As we all know that skipped tests will never be performed ever again =)