Sing Baby Shark

Emojicode, 292 bytes (140 characters)

Baby➡️bDaddy➡️yMommy➡️oGrandpa➡️gGrandma➡️a Shark➡️s doo➡️db y o g a➡️fm fi⏩⏩0 3❗️m s d d d d d d️❗️m s!❗️

Run it

Expanded out:

  Baby ➡️ b
  Daddy ➡️ y
  Mommy ➡️ o
  Grandpa ➡️ g
  Grandma ➡️ a
   Shark ➡️ s
   doo ➡️ d
  b y o g a➡️f
  m f
    i⏩⏩0 3❗️
      m s d d d d d d️❗️
    m s!❗️

Explained (per the Emojicode doc):

The same as a { and } (e.g. a code block)

The "program start" (e.g. int main())

Baby ➡️ b

Variable assignment (e.g. const char* b = "Baby";)

b y o g a➡️f

Says, create a list of values between and and assign (➡️) to f (e.g. const char* f[] = {b,y,o,g,a};)

m f ... 

This line says to loop over the elements in f using the alias m, where the ... is the code between and .

 i ⏩⏩ 0 3❗️ ... 

This line says to loop over the range [0,3), where the ... is the code between and .

 ... ️❗️

This line says to print the format specified in ... (e.g. printf("%s\n");)

The code translated to C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  const char* b = "Baby";
  const char* y = "Daddy";
  const char* o = "Mommy";
  const char* g = "Grandpa";
  const char* a = "Grandma";
  const char* s = " Shark";
  const char* d = " doo";
  const char* f[] = {b,y,o,g,a};
  int m = 0, i = 0;
  for (; m < 5; ++m) {
    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", f[m], s, d, d, d, d, d, d);
    printf("%s%s!\n", f[m], s);
  return 0;

Following this, the original code (posted below for posterity) had some issues; mostly that the block was not included for those who wish to run it, and the emoji's were not actually properly escaped, to that, here is the actual running version of that code:

Original modified to run: Emojicode, 224 bytes (67 characters)

➡️fm fi⏩⏩0 3❗️m️❗️m!❗️

Expanded out:

   ➡️ f
   m f 
     i ⏩⏩ 0 3❗️

Which produces the output:






Run it

Where in you have the individual emoji's representing the words:

 -> Baby
 -> Daddy
 -> Mommy
 -> Grandpa
 -> Grandma
 -> Shark
 -> doo

Original: Emojicode, 138 bytes (47 characters)

➡️fm fi⏩⏩0 3❗️m❗️m!❗️

Expanded out:

m f
   i ⏩⏩ 0 3❗️
     m ❗️
   m !❗️

x86-16 machine code, IBM PC DOS, 108 107 bytes

00000000: bd42 01e8 1600 bd47 01e8 1000 bd4d 01e8  .B.....G.....M..
00000010: 0a00 bd53 01e8 0400 c646 056d b409 b104  ...S.....F.m....
00000020: 8bd5 cd21 ba5b 01cd 21e2 06ba 6701 cd21  ...!.[..!...g..!
00000030: c3b3 06ba 6201 cd21 4b75 fbba 6801 cd21  ....b..!Ku..h..!
00000040: ebde 4261 6279 2444 6164 6479 244d 6f6d  ..Baby$Daddy$Mom
00000050: 6d79 2447 7261 6e64 7061 2420 5368 6172  my$Grandpa$ Shar
00000060: 6b24 2064 6f6f 2421 0d0a 24              k$ doo$!..$


BD 0142         MOV  BP, OFFSET BABY        ; Baby Shark
E8 011C         CALL VERSE
BD 0147         MOV  BP, OFFSET DADDY       ; Daddy Shark
E8 011C         CALL VERSE
BD 014D         MOV  BP, OFFSET MOMMY       ; Mommy Shark
E8 011C         CALL VERSE
BD 0153         MOV  BP, OFFSET GRAND       ; Grandpa/ma Shark
E8 011C         CALL VERSE
C6 46 05 6D     MOV  BYTE PTR [BP][5], 'm'  ; change 'p' to 'm'
B4 09           MOV  AH, 9                  ; DOS API display string function
B1 04           MOV  CL, 4                  ; loop verse counter
8B D5           MOV  DX, BP                 ; load shark name from BP
CD 21           INT  21H                    ; display shark name
BA 015B         MOV  DX, OFFSET SHARK       ; load 'Shark'
CD 21           INT  21H                    ; display 'Shark'
E2 06           LOOP LOOP_DOO               ; if not last line, write 'doo's
BA 0167         MOV  DX, OFFSET BANG        ; otherwise end with a bang
CD 21           INT  21H                    ; display !, CRLF
C3              RET                         ; return from CALL or to DOS
B3 06           MOV  BL, 6                  ; loop 'doo' 6 times
BA 0162         MOV  DX, OFFSET DOO         ; load 'doo' string
CD 21           INT  21H                    ; display 'doo'
4B              DEC  BX                     ; decrement doo count
75 FB           JNZ  PRINT_DOO              ; if not last doo, start again
BA 0168         MOV  DX, OFFSET CRLF        ; load CRLF string
CD 21           INT  21H                    ; display CRLF
EB DE           JMP  LOOP_VERSE             ; repeat verse

BABY    DB  'Baby$'
DADDY   DB  'Daddy$'
MOMMY   DB  'Mommy$'
GRAND   DB  'Grand'
PA      DB  'pa$'
SHARK   DB  ' Shark$'
DOO     DB  ' doo$'
BANG    DB  '!'
CRLF    DB  0DH,0AH,'$'

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(TODO: update this screenshot for one less byte...)

Python 2, 93 bytes

for w in"Baby Daddy Mommy Grandpa Grandma".split():w+=" Shark";print(w+" doo"*6+"\n")*3+w+"!"

Try it online!

94 bytes

for w in"Baby Daddy Mommy Grandpa Grandma".split():print((" doo"*6+"\n%s Shark"%w)*4)[25:]+"!"

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