Simple way to install RabbitMQ in Ubuntu?

The simplest way is to remove any trace of Erlang or RabbitMQ on your system, then go to for an Ubuntu Erlang binary (the VM that runs RabbitMQ) and then go here to get RabbitMQ.

For Erlang, choose 64 bit or the unspecified one (32 bit) depending on your OS version. There is only one binary of RabbitMQ that is fully cross platform, i.e. no change between 32 bit and 64 bit.

Get those running and you have the latest and best of both packages which are both under very active development.

That is the simplest way when you take into account the future problems that you will avoid.

Personally I would also recommend keeping mission critical application packages outside of the usual Linux filesystem layout. Whether you choose to put them in /opt, or /home/erlang or /apps or /packages doesn't matter. The important thing is to take full control of these packages and don't let the OS package manager drive your decision making.

You might want to uninstall / remove the existing erlang-nox:

sudo apt-get remove erlang-nox

And then install rabbitmq-server (which will install the required erlang-nox). However, it will be a good idea to check whether the uninstallation / removal of the current version of erlang-nox does not break something else that is installed on your box.

If Mudaser Ali answer doesn't help, then you can use the below steps. It worked for me. Please note that this answer is for ubuntu precise.

Download debain from, but don't run it

Open /etc/apt/sources.list and add the below line in it

deb precise contrib

Then execute the below commands

sudo apt-key add erlang_solutions.asc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install erlang
sudo apt-get install erlang-nox
sudo dpkg -i rabbitmq-server_3.2.1-1_all.deb


Simplest way to install rabbitMQ in ubuntu:

echo "deb testing main"  | sudo tee  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server -y
sudo service rabbitmq-server start
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart

Default username / password will be guest / guest and port for will be 15672; for UI follow - http://localhost:15672

if you want to change the username and password or add new user please follow these

sudo rabbitmqctl add_user user_name password_for_this_user
sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags user_name administrator
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / user_name ".*" ".*" ".*"

and to delete guest user please run this command

sudo rabbitmqctl delete_user guest