Simple visualization of 3D matrix

First attempt with tikz and matrix library


\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=1.4cm,minimum height=7mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\

\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(1.5,0.7)$)
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\

\matrix (mC) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mB.south west)+(1.5,0.7)$)
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\
(1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) & (1,1,3) \\

\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mC.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mC.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mC.south east);



enter image description here

Here is one implementation using loops. The work around required for putting matrix inside a loop is taken from ( Problem with defining shortcuts for TikZ matrices. ) and ( Why is my \matrix path failing when put inside another macro? )

Some changes required to make the numbering/indexing scheme one-to-one with the given picture.



\def\xs{1} %shift in x direction
\def\ys{0.5} %shift in y direction
\def\nm{5} % number of 2d matrices in the 3d matrix
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,\nm}

\matrix [draw, % for the rectangle border
         fill=white, % so that it is not transparent
         ampersand replacement=\&] %see explanation
(mm\x)%give the matrix a name
at(-\x * \xs, -\x * \ys) %shift the matrix
    \node {(\x,1,1)}; \& \node {(\x,1,2)};\\
    \node {(\x,2,1)}; \& \node {(\x,2,2)};\\

\draw [dashed,gray](mm1.north west) -- (mm\nm.north west);
\draw [dashed,gray](mm1.north east) -- (mm\nm.north east);
\draw [dashed,gray](mm1.south east) -- (mm\nm.south east);

matrices using loops