Simple filter on array of RXJS Observable

original answer with a fix: Observables are lazy. You have to call subscribe to tell an observable to send its request.

  getEpic(id:number) {
    return this.getEpics()
           .filter(epic => === id)

Update to Rxjs 6:

import {filter} from 'rxjs/operators';

getEpic(id:number) {
        return this.getEpics()
               .pipe(filter(epic => === id))

You'll want to filter the actual array and not the observable wrapped around it. So you'll map the content of the Observable (which is an Epic[]) to a filtered Epic.

getEpic(id: string): Observable<Epic> {
  return this.getEpics()
     .map(epics => epics.filter(epic => === id)[0]);

Then afterwards you can subscribe to getEpic and do whatever you want with it.

You can do this using the flatMap and filter methods of Observable instead of the JS array filter method in map. Something like:

    .flatMap((data) => data.epics) // [{id: 1}, {id: 4}, {id: 3}, ..., {id: N}]
    .filter((epic) => === id) // checks {id: 1}, then {id: 2}, etc
    .subscribe((result) => ...); // do something epic!!!

flatMap will provide singular indices for filtering and then you can get on with whatever happens next with the results.

If TypeScript throws a error indicating you can't compare a string and a number regardless of your use of == in the filter just add a + before in the filter, per the Angular docs:

    .filter((epic) => === id) // checks {id: 1}, then {id: 2}, etc
