Signed session cookies. A good idea?

Update: This answer pertains to the question that was actually asked, not to an imagined history where this question was really about JWT.

The most important deviations from today's signed tokens are:

  1. The question as originally posed didn't evince any understanding of the need for a secret in token generation. Key management is vital for JWT.
  2. The questioner stated that they could not use HTTPS, and so they lacked confidentiality for the token and binding between the token and the request. In the same way, even full-fledged JWT can't secure a plain HTTP request.
  3. When the question was revised to explain how a secret could be incorporated, the secret chosen required server-side state, and so fell short of the statelessness provided by something like JWT.

Even today, this homebrew approach would be a bad idea. Follow a standard like JWT, where both the scheme and its implementations have been carefully scrutinized and refined.

Yes, this is a bad idea.

For starters, it's not secure. With this scheme, an attacker can generate their own cookie and impersonate any user.

Session identifiers should be chosen from a large (128-bit) space by a cryptographic random number generator.

They should be kept private, so that attackers cannot steal them and impersonate an authenticated user. Any request that performs an action that requires authorization should be tamper-proof. That is, the entire request must have some kind of integrity protection such as an HMAC so that its contents can't be altered. For web applications, these requirements lead inexorably to HTTPS.

What performance concerns do you have? I've never seen a web application where proper security created any sort of hotspot.

If the channel doesn't have privacy and integrity, you open yourself up to man-in-the-middle attacks. For example, without privacy, Alice sends her password to Bob. Eve snoops it and can log in later as Alice. Or, with partial integrity, Alice attaches her signed cookie to a purchase request and sends them to Bob. Eve intercepts the request and modifies the shipping address. Bob validates the MAC on the cookie, but can't detect that the address has been altered.

I don't have any numbers, but it seems to me that the opportunities for man-in-the-middle attacks are constantly growing. I notice restaurants using the wi-fi network they make available to customers for their credit-card processing. People at libraries and in work-places are often susceptible to sniffing if their traffic isn't over HTTPS.

I know this question is very old now but I thought it might be a good idea to update the answers with a more current response. For anyone like myself who may stumble across it.

In an effort to increase performance, I was thinking of trying to eliminate a plain 'session cookie', but encrypt all the information in the cookie itself.

Now for the big question: is this a bad idea?

The short answer is: No it's not a bad idea, in fact this is a really good idea and has become an industry standard.

The long answer is: It depends on your implementation. Sessions are great, they are fast, they are simple and they are easily secured. Where as a stateless system works well however, is a bit more involved to deploy and may be outside the scope of smaller projects.

Implementing an authentication system based on Tokens (cookies) is very common now and works exceedingly well for stateless systems/apis. This makes it possible to authenticate for many different applications with a single account. ie. login to {unaffiliated site} with Facebook / Google.

Implementing an oAuth system like this is a BIG subject in and of itself. So I'll leave you with some documentation oAuth2 Docs. I also recommend looking into Json Web Tokens (JWT).


A last note: I'm trying come up with solutions to decrease database load. This is only one of the solutions I'm investigating

Redis would work well for offloading database queries. Redis is an in memory simple storage system. Very fast, ~temporary storage that can help reduce DB hits.

A signed token is a good method for anything where you want to issue a token and then, when it is returned, be able to verify that you issued the token, without having to store any data on the server side. This is good for features like:

  • time-limited-account-login;
  • password-resetting;
  • anti-XSRF forms;
  • time-limited-form-submission (anti-spam).

It's not in itself a replacement for a session cookie, but if it can eliminate the need for any session storage at all that's probably a good thing, even if the performance difference isn't going to be huge.

HMAC is one reasonable way of generating a signed token. It's not going to be the fastest; you may be able to get away with a simple hash if you know about and can avoid extension attacks. I'll leave you to decide whether that's worth the risk for you.

I'm assuming that hmac() in whatever language it is you're using has been set up to use a suitable server-side secret key, without which you can't have a secure signed token. This secret must be strong and well-protected if you are to base your whole authentication system around it. If you have to change it, everyone gets logged out.

For login and password-resetting purposes you may want to add an extra factor to the token, a password generation number. You can re-use the salt of the hashed password in the database for this if you like. The idea is that when the user changes passwords it should invalidate any issued tokens (except for the cookie on the browser doing the password change, which gets replaced with a re-issued one). Otherwise, a user discovering their account has been compromised cannot lock other parties out.