Showing git branch in ConEMU

Change the specified named task to {Bash::Git} in Settings -> Startup and you'll have branch name showing up.

Settings screeshot

Yes there is a way. Install git bash, then in ConEmu settings, under the "ComSpec" section set the Explicit executable to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i.

This runs a bash shell session, and gives you a fully resizable window, with the git tab completion and current working branch prompt.

Git branch can be visible in plain cmd or Far Manager prompt.

GIT branch in cmd prompt

All magic is done with special ANSI sequences ("Inject ConEmuHk" and "ANSI X3.64 ..." options must be checked). I Run GitShowBranch /i to install showing branch, GitShowBranch /u to uninstall.

Also, you may run your cmd as following (within Task contents or ConEmu's Command line)

cmd /k ver & GitShowBranch /i

PS. File GitShowBranch exists in ConEmu's distro, but you may see it online.


