Show complete arguments in strace even in curly brackets

To verbosely describe what Vladimir Kunschikov said - run the following commands:

  1. git clone git:// strace-code
  2. cd strace-code
  3. Modify the part of defs.h file as described by Vladimir Kunschikov.
  4. ./bootstrap
  5. ./configure
  6. make
  7. make install

The modified version of strace should have been installed in /usr/local/bin/strace. Now, run the strace using a large value for the -s option. Example:

strace -s 65536 command_to_run_goes_here


  1. Vladimir Kunschikov's answer.

There is such option in the strace parameters - you should use -v command line switch. Furthermore, due to the opensource nature of this great utility, you can disable abbreviation totally by patching the defs.h header in the strace sources:

< #define abbrev(tcp)   ((tcp)->qual_flg & QUAL_ABBREV)
> #define abbrev(tcp)   0

I've patched that way strace-4.9 from my local gentoo /usr/portage/distfiles/ software sources storage. It doesn't require to download latest strace sources from sourceforge.


