Should I use try-with-resource in flatMap for an I/O-based stream?

There is no sense in a construct like

return foos.flatMap(foo -> {
    try (var bars = foo.bars()) {
        return bars;

as that would close the stream before it is returned to the caller, which makes the sub-stream entirely unusable.

In fact, it is impossible for the function’s code to ensure that the closing will happen at the appropriate place, which is outside the function. That’s surely the reason why the API designers decided that you don’t have to, and the Stream implementation will take care.

This also applies to the exceptional case. The Stream still ensures that the stream gets closed, once the function has returned it to the Stream:

try {
    IntStream.range(1, 3)
        .flatMap(i -> {
            System.out.println("creating "+i);
            return IntStream.range('a', 'a'+i)
                    .peek(j -> {
                        System.out.println("processing sub "+i+" - "+(char)j);
                        if(j=='b') throw new IllegalStateException();
                    .onClose(() -> System.out.println("closing "+i));
        .forEach(i -> System.out.println("consuming "+(char)i));
} catch(IllegalStateException ex) {
    System.out.println("caught "+ex);
creating 1
processing sub 1 - a
consuming a
closing 1
creating 2
processing sub 2 - a
consuming a
processing sub 2 - b
closing 2
caught java.lang.IllegalStateException

You may play with the conditions, to see that a constructed Stream is always closed. For elements of the outer Stream which do not get processed, there will be no Stream at all.

For a Stream operation like .flatMap(Foo::bars) or .flatMap(foo -> foo.bars()), you can assume that once bars() successfully created and returned a Stream, it will be passed to the caller for sure and properly closed.

A different scenario would be mapping functions which perform operations after the Stream creation which could fail, e.g.

.flatMap(foo -> {
    Stream<Type> s =;
    anotherOperation(); // Stream is not closed if this throws
    return s;

In this case, it would be necessary to ensure the closing in the exceptional case, but only in the exceptional case:

.flatMap(foo -> {
    Stream<Type> s =;
    try {
    } catch(Throwable t) {
        try(s) { throw t; } // close and do addSuppressed if follow-up error
    return s;

but obviously, you should follow the general rule to keep lambdas simple, in which case you don’t need such protection.

In Stream or not, you have to close the IO resources at the relevant place.
The flatMap() method is a general stream method and so it not aware of IO resources you opened inside it.
But Why flatMap() would behave differently from any method that manipulates IO resources ? For example if you manipulate IO in map(), you could get the same issue (no releasing resource) if an exception occurs.
Closing a stream (as in flatMap()) will not make it release all resources opened in the stream operation.
Some methods do that, File.lines(Path) for example. But if you open yourself some resources in flatMap(), the closing of these resources will not do automatically when the stream is closed.
For example here the flatMap processing doesn't close the FileInputStreams opened :

 .flatMap(foo -> {
    try {
       FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("..."));                                  
     catch (IOException e) {
         // handle


You have to close it explicitly :

 .flatMap(foo -> {
     try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("...")){
     } catch (IOException e) {
         // handle
    // return

So yes if the statements used inside the flatMap() or any method manipulates some IO resources, you want to close them in any case by surrounding it with a try-with-resources statement to make them free.