Should I mark a composite index as unique if it contains the primary key?

Should I mark a composite index as unique if it already contains the primary key?

Probably not. The optimizer can generally use information about the uniqueness of the contained key column anyway, so there's no real advantage.

There is also an important consequence of marking an index unique on update plans that modify keys of that index to consider:


CREATE TABLE dbo.Customers 
   FirstName nvarchar(50),
   LastName nvarchar(50),
   [Address] nvarchar(200),
   Email nvarchar(260)

ON dbo.Customers

-- Pretend we have some rows
WITH ROWCOUNT = 100000, PAGECOUNT = 20000;

Per-index update plan (non-unique index)

UPDATE dbo.Customers 
SET Email = N'New', [Address] = 'New Address'
WHERE Email = N'Old' 
OPTION (QUERYTRACEON 8790); -- Per-index update plan

Execution plan:

Split & Filter

The optimizer often makes a cost-based decision between updating nonclustered indexes per-row (a 'narrow' plan) or per-index (a 'wide' plan). The default strategy (except for in-memory OLTP tables) is a wide plan.

Narrow plans (where nonclustered indexes are maintained at the same time as the heap/clustered index) are a performance optimization for small updates. This optimization is not implemented for all cases - using certain features (like indexed views) means that the associated index(es) will be maintained in a wide plan.

More information: Optimizing T-SQL Queries that Change Data

In this case, I have used undocumented trace flag 8790 to force a wide update plan: The plan therefore shows the clustered and nonclustered indexes being maintained separately.

The Split turns each update into a separate delete & insert pair; the Filter filters out any rows that would not result in a change to the index.

More information: (Non-updating updates) by the SQL Server QO Team.

Per-index update plan (unique index)

-- Same index, but unique
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Customers_CustomerIDEmail ON Customers

UPDATE dbo.Customers 
SET Email = N'New', [Address] = 'New Address'
WHERE Email = N'Old' 
OPTION (QUERYTRACEON 8790); -- Per-index update plan

Execution plan:


Notice the extra Sort and Collapse operators when the index is marked unique.

This Split-Sort-Collapse pattern is required when updating the keys of a unique index, to prevent intermediate unique key violations.

More information: Maintaining Unique Indexes by Craig Freedman

The Sort in particular can be a problem. Not only is it an unnecessary extra cost, it may spill to disk if estimates are inaccurate.

About nonclustered keys

Another factor to consider is that nonclustered index structures are always unique, at every level of the index, even if UNIQUE is not specified. The clustering key(s) - and possibly a uniquifier if the clustered index is not marked unique - are added to a non-unique nonclustered index at all levels.

As a consequence, the following index definiton:

CREATE INDEX IX_Customers_CustomerIDEmail ON Customers

...actually contains the keys (Email, CustomerID) at all levels. It is therefore 'seekable' on both columns:

FROM dbo.Customers AS C WITH (INDEX(IX_Customers_CustomerIDEmail))
WHERE C.Email = N'Email'
AND C.CustomerID = 1;


More information: More About Nonclustered Index Keys by Kalen Delaney

SQL knows it's unique already (if it includes the PK, it can't get any more unique), regardless of whether you explicitly tell it.

The big difference between a non-unique index and a unique index is that non-unique indexes require the clustered index key (with uniquifier value if the CIX is not declared as unique) at the higher levels of the index, not just at the leaf level.

In your case, you already have the CIX in the key, which means it's going to be at every level of the index already.

But you could create a table which has a separate PK (unique) and CIX (doesn't matter). Then create a non-unique index which includes the PK in its key. Put some rows into the table, including some easily-findable varchar values for your CIX column. Put enough rows in to cause multiple levels of your indexes. Then you can use DBCC IND to find the pages in your NCIX, and DBCC PAGE to open some up to look at the data, to see if the CIX key values are at the higher levels.