Shortcut to Close Intellij File Tab

  1. Open Settings by hitting Ctrl+Alt+S
  2. Click: Keymap
  3. Search for: Close
  4. Under Main menu > Window > Editor Tabs, find Close.
  5. Right-click and click Remove Ctrl+F4.
  6. Right click and click Add Keyboard Shortcut
  7. Add your new custom Keyboard Shortcut.

IntelliJ will tell you if the shortcut clashes with another shortcut performing a different action.

Alternatively, open/edit your Linux Window Manager Settings and remove the Ctrl+F4 mapping to allow other programs like IntelliJ to make use of it.

For PC-based keyboards, the shortcut to close tabs is CTRL + F4,
not to be confused with ALT+F4.

Current tab can be closed with:

Ctrl + F4

Works on Intellij Ultimate 2016.3