Wordpress - Shortcode outputs at the top of the_content

All functions have to return a string, you should not use echo anywhere. Rewrite the functions, use an internal variable to handle the strings and return that:

// Output a single menu item
function projects_menu_entry($id, $title, $link_self)
    global $blog_id;
    $out = '';

    if ($link_self || $id != $blog_id) {
        $out .= '<li>';
        if ($id == $blog_id) {
            $out .= '<strong>';
        $url = get_home_url( $id, '/' );

        $out .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a>';
        if ($id == $blog_id) {
            $out .= '</strong>';

        $out .= '</li>';

    return $out;

// Output the whole menu
// If $link_self is false, skip the current site - used to display the menu on the homepage
function projects_menu($link_self = true)
    global $wpdb;
    $out = '<ul>';

    $out .= projects_menu_entry(1, 'Home', $link_self);

    $blogs = $wpdb->get_results("
        SELECT blog_id
        FROM {$wpdb->blogs}
        WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}'
        AND spam = '0'
        AND deleted = '0'
        AND archived = '0'
        AND blog_id != 1

    $sites = array();
    foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
        $sites[$blog->blog_id] = get_blog_option($blog->blog_id, 'blogname');

    foreach ($sites as $blog_id => $blog_title) {
        $out .= projects_menu_entry($blog_id, $blog_title, $link_self);
    $out .= '</ul>';

    return $out;

// Adds a [bloglist] shortcode

function bloglist_shortcode($atts)
    return projects_menu(false);

add_shortcode('bloglist', 'bloglist_shortcode');

For a similar, extended example see: How to return loop contents.

You can't replace the instances of echo because you can only return once. You need to build a string and return that.

function projects_menu_entry($id, $title, $link_self)
    global $blog_id;
    $ret = '';
    if ($link_self || $id != $blog_id) {
        $ret .= '<li>';
        if ($id == $blog_id) {
            $ret .= '<strong>';
    // and so on
    $ret .= '</ul>';
    return $ret;

Do that for both functions and I would expect this to work. Apologies if I have grossly misread something.

Any ideas? Where is the function that needs to be returned instead of echoed?

I'm going to offer an alternative solution that does not require you to replace instances of echo or build a return string.

You can turn on output buffering and return the buffer as a string.

Add ob_start() to the beginning of the function before any echo call.

at the end of the function add:

$response = ob_get_contents();
return $response;

