Shifting all features in vector dataset using Bash/OGR

I've designed Fiona (an OGR wrapper) to make this kind of processing simple.

from fiona import collection
import logging

log = logging.getLogger()

# A few functions to shift coords. They call eachother semi-recursively.
def shiftCoords_Point(coords, delta):
    # delta is a (delta_x, delta_y [, delta_y]) tuple
    return tuple(c + d for c, d in zip(coords, delta))

def shiftCoords_LineString(coords, delta):
    return list(shiftCoords_Point(pt_coords, delta) for pt_coords in coords)

def shiftCoords_Polygon(coords, delta):
    return list(
        shiftCoords_LineString(ring_coords, delta) for ring_coords in coords)

# We'll use a map of these functions in the processing code below.
shifters = {
    'Point': shiftCoords_Point,
    'LineString': shiftCoords_LineString,
    'Polygon': shiftCoords_Polygon }

# Example 2D shift, 1 unit eastward and northward
delta = (1.0, 1.0)

with collection("original.shp", "r") as source:

    # Create a sink for processed features with the same format and 
    # coordinate reference system as the source.
    with collection(
            ) as sink:

        for rec in source:
                g = rec['geometry']
                g['coordinates'] = shifters[g['type']](
                    g['coordinates'], delta )
                rec['geometry'] = g
            except Exception, e:
                log.exception("Error processing record %s:", rec)

Update: I've put a different, tighter version of this script at

Using JEQL This can be done with three lines:

ShapefileReader t file: "shapefile.shp";
out = select * except (GEOMETRY), Geom.translate(GEOMETRY,100,100) from t;
ShapefileWriter out file: "ahapefile_shift.shp";

And though the post is tagged with python, since JEQL has already been mentioned, here's an example with JavaScript (using GeoScript).

 * Shift all coords in all features for all layers in some directory

var Directory = require("geoscript/workspace").Directory;
var Layer = require("geoscript/layer").Layer;

// offset for all geometry coords
var dx = dy = 10;

var dir = Directory("./data");
dir.names.forEach(function(name) {
    var orig = dir.get(name);
    var shifted = Layer({
        schema: orig.schema.clone({name: name + "-shifted"})
    orig.features.forEach(function(feature) {
        var clone = feature.clone();
        clone.geometry = feature.geometry.transform({dx: dx, dy: dy});