Shifting a String in C#

how about this?

public static string ShiftString(string t)
    return t.Substring(1, t.Length - 1) + t.Substring(0, 1); 

You can try this:

s = s.Remove(0, 1) + s.Substring(0, 1);

As an extension method:

public static class MyExtensions
    public static string Shift(this string s, int count)
        return s.Remove(0, count) + s.Substring(0, count);

Then you can use:

s = s.Shift(1);

The algorithm to solve this type of problem about shift n positions is duplicate the string, concatenate together and get the substring. ( n < length(string) )

string s = "ABCDEFGH";
string ss = s + s; // "ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH"

if you want to shift n position, you can do

var result = ss.Substring(n, s.length);