where is django installed on windows 10 code example

Example 1: install django

pip install django # Install Django Packages
django-admin startproject project_name # Create a Project
cd project_name
python manage.py makemigrations # Create new migrations
python manage.py migrate # Apply Migrations
python manage.py createsuperuser # Create User for admin
python manage.py runserver # Start Server

python manage.py startapp sub_module # Create a sub app

Example 2: how to install django on windows

Application Case: Hotmessages.com app

1 - Download and install python

2 - Create a dirctory in drive C for your python project

3 - Open Windows Command Prompt

4 - Navigate and change directory to your python project folder

5 - Then Type the below commands, press enter key after each command;
    c:\>py -m venv env

6 - After typing the commands, the prompt will to the below with (env) in front of c:\
    (env) C:\python-django>

7 - Then type the below command
    (env) C:\python-django>pip install django

8 - After django has finsihed insalling, type the below command to start a new project
    (env) C:\python-django>django-admin startproject hotmessages

9 - Change directory to project folder as below
    (env) C:\python-django>cd hotmessages

10 - Then type the below command
    (env) C:\python-django>python manage.py migrate

10 - Create a super user the controls main login
    (env) C:\python-django>python manage.py createsuperuser

11 - Provide your username and password to proceed

12 - Run python server to see your application
    (env) C:\python-django>python manage.py runserver

13 - Check Application running via, type this link on your browser

14 - Check the Admin Section via, type this link on your browser

15 - Create your app by typing the code below
    (env) C:\python-django>python manage.py startapp hotmessages_app
*Important things to do
(1) Ensure your add your app directory name in the settings folder as below
 Hope this helps
 - Atsu Emmanuel
 [email protected]