Shell Script: creating a variable with options inside

Putting a complex command in a variable is a never a recommended approach. See BashFAQ/050 - I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!

Your requirement becomes really simple, if you just decide to use a function instead of a variable and pass arguments to it.

Something like

rsync_custom() {
    [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && { printf 'no arguments supplied' >&2; exit 1 ; }
    rsync -avz --{partial,stats,delete,exclude=".*"} "$@"

and now pass the required arguments to it as

rsync_custom /dir1 /dir2

The function definition is quite simple in a way, we first check the input argument count using the variable $# which shouldn't be zero. We throw a error message saying that no arguments are supplied. If there are valid arguments, then "$@" represents the actual arguments supplied to the function.

If this is a function you would be using pretty frequently i.e. in scripts/command-line also, add it to the shell startup-files, .bashrc, .bash_profile for instance.

Or as noted, it may be worthwhile to expand the brace expansion to separate args for a better readability as

rsync_custom() {
    [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && { printf 'no arguments supplied' >&2; exit 1 ; }
    rsync -avz --partial --stats --delete --exclude=".*" "$@"

VAR=rsync -avz --{partial,stats,delete,exclude=".*"}

This tries to run the command -avz with arguments --partial, --stats etc.. and with VAR set to rsync in the environment.

VAR='rsync -avz --{partial,stats,delete,exclude=".*"}'

The quoted form doesn't work because braces aren't expanded in quotes, and not inside assigments, and neither are they expanded after a variable is expanded.

If you need to store command line arguments in a variable, use an array:

args=(rsync -avz --{partial,stats,delete,exclude=".*"})

Now "${args[@]}" will expand to rsync, -avz, --partial, etc. as distinct words.

Arrays also allow you to append options to the list, conditionally if need be, so you can e.g.:

args=(this that)
if something ; then
"$cmd" "${args[@]}"