< python code example

Example 1: python .

Python is a programming language.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Example 2: python

 /     \      .- ~ ~ -.
()     ()    /   _ _   `.                     _ _ _
 \_   _/    /  /     \   \                . ~  _ _  ~ .
   | |     /  /       \   \             .' .~       ~-. `.
   | |    /  /         )   )           /  /             `.`.
   \ \_ _/  /         /   /           /  /                `'
    \_ _ _.'         /   /           (  (
                    /   /             \  \
                   /   /               \  \
                  /   /                 )  )
                 (   (                 /  /
                  `.  `.             .'  /
                    `.   ~ - - - - ~   .'
                       ~ . _ _ _ _ . ~

Example 3: Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, 
general-purpose programming language.

//as you can also see to your right --------------------->

but also note interpreted, not compiled.

Example 4: python

this is a pogchamp moment

Example 5: Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design
philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant

Example 6: python

#High-level programming language