bash similar to choice in cmd code example

Example 1: bash similiar to choice in cmd

echo "select the operation ************"
echo "  1)operation 1"
echo "  2)operation 2"
echo "  3)operation 3"
echo "  4)operation 4" 
read n
case $n in
  1) echo "You chose Option 1";;
  2) echo "You chose Option 2";;
  3) echo "You chose Option 3";;
  4) echo "You chose Option 4";;
  *) echo "invalid option";;

Example 2: bash similiar to choice in cmd

dialog --clear --backtitle "Backtitle here" --title "Title here" --menu "Choose one of the following options:" 15 40 4 \
1 "Option 1" \
2 "Option 2" \
3 "Option 3"

Example 3: bash similiar to choice in cmd


PS3='Please enter your choice: '
options=("Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" "Quit")

select opt in "${options[@]}"
    case $opt in
        "Option 1")
           echo "you chose choice 1";; 
        "Option 2")
            echo "you chose choice 2";;
        "Option 3")
            echo "you chose choice $REPLY which is $opt";;
        #handle no option value
        echo "invalid option $REPLY";;