Sheet name font size on LibreOffice Calc is too small

I had similar problem with elementary theme. Although the problem was that the scrollbars were too thin. The fix was to modify the scrollbar width in gtkrc file, in my case:

/usr/share/themes/elementary Dark/gtk-2.0/gtkrc


GtkScrollbar            ::slider-width

and set the value to something like 10

Different themes can have different effect on applications. Sometimes this can cause serious problems as shown below. Sheet tabs are hardly readable in first theme but are very clear in second theme.

enter image description here

enter image description here

So changing your system theme can solve this problem.

If your preferred theme shows too small fonts in the UI components of LibreOffice, you could just scale the textual UI elements (between 80% and 130%) while keeping the theme. LibreOffice has an option for scaling in Menu Options -> LibreOffice -> View:

View Options

So, you can modify the font size between

80pro (80 percent)


130pro (130 percent).

Note: This will affect all textual UI elements, also menu entries and so on - not only the sheet labels.

Another alternative would be to keep the theme but modify the font settings system-wide. Gnome's appearance settings allow for modifying the font even if a certain theme is selected.

More Info:

  • Ubuntu Basisc - Appearance
  • Ubuntu Wiki - Fonts