Sharp package Heroku deployment issue

There are many people with that problem, it's related to libvips as dependency not sharp by itself.

On github in this issue-comment the problem is explained:

The pre-built binaries of sharp are only guaranteed to work with the pre-built binaries of libvips.

If the download of a pre-built binary of libvips fails then sharp has to fall back to attempting to build itself from source. provides information about serving the libvips binaries from a local URL.

The reason why the download is failing might be the cache, or a corrupted download like reported in the above linked issue on github:

I had to manually remove the ~/.npm/_libvips/libvips-8.7.0-linux-x64.tar.gz and try again. Seems to be downloaded a corrupted file.

Here is an interesting discussion concerning the same problem related to gatsby, a solution seems not yet existing even the issue was closed (before any comment was made):

However if the problem is only related to the download for some reason it's possible to deploy libvips locally like explained in the manual:

Pre-compiled libvips binaries
This module will attempt to download a pre-compiled bundle of libvips and its dependencies on Linux and Windows machines under either of these conditions:

  • If a global installation of libvips that meets the minimum version
    requirement cannot be found;
  • If SHARP_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIBVIPS environment variable is set.
SHARP_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIBVIPS=1 npm install sharp  

Should you need to manually download and inspect these files,
you can do so via

Should you wish to install these from your own location, set the
sharp_dist_base_url npm config option, e.g.

npm config set sharp_dist_base_url "https://hostname/path/" 
npm install sharp 

or set the SHARP_DIST_BASE_URL environment variable, e.g.

SHARP_DIST_BASE_URL="https://hostname/path/" npm install sharp

to use https://hostname/path/libvips-x.y.z-platform.tar.gz.

So this is a bit background, I'm aware that this can not really be seen as an answer with solution :/