Share gitlab-ci.yml between projects

GitLab 11.7 introduces new include methods, such as include:file:

  - project: 'my-group/my-project'
    ref: master
    file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'

This will allow you to create a new project on the same GitLab instance which contains a shared .gitlab-ci.yml.

First let me start by saying: Thank you for asking this question! It triggered me to search for a solution (again) after often wondering if this was even possible myself. We also have like 20 - 30 projects that are quite identical and have .gitlab-ci.yml files of about 400 - 500 loc that have to each be changed if one thing changes.

So I found a working solution:

Inspired by the Auto DevOps .gitlab-ci.yml template Gitlab itself created, and where they use one template job to define all functions used and call every before_script to load them, I came up with the following setup.

  • Multiple project repo's (project-1, project-2) requiring a shared set of CI jobs / functions
  • Functions script containing all shared functions in separate repo


So using a shared ci jobs scipt:


function list_files {
  ls -lah

function current_job_info {
  echo "Running job $CI_JOB_ID on runner $CI_RUNNER_ID ($CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION) for pipeline $CI_PIPELINE_ID"

A common and generic .gitlab-ci.yml:

image: ubuntu:latest

  # Install curl
  - apt-get update -qqq && apt-get install -qqqy curl
  # Get shared functions script
  - curl -s -o
  # Set permissions
  - chmod +x
  # Run script and load functions
  - . ./

    - current_job_info
    - list_files

You could copy-paste your file from project-1 to project-2 and it would be using the same shared Gitlab CI functions.

These examples are pretty verbose for example purposes, optimize them any way you like.

Lessons learned

So after applying the construction above on a large scale (40+ projects) I want to share some lessons learned so you don't have to find out the hard way:

  • Version (tag / release) your shared ci functions script. Changing one thing can now make all pipelines fail.
  • Using different Docker images could cause an issue in the requirement for bash to load the functions (e.g. I use some Alpine-based images for CLI tool based jobs that have sh by default)
  • Use project based CI/CD secret variables to personalize build jobs for projects. Like environment URL's etc.

Since gitlab version 12.6, it's possible define a external .gitlab-cy.yml file.

To customize the path:

  1. Go to the project's Settings > CI / CD.
  2. Expand the General pipelines section.
  3. Provide a value in the Custom CI configuration path field.
  4. Click Save changes. ...

If the CI configuration will be hosted on an external site, the URL link must end with .yml:

If the CI configuration will be hosted in a different project within GitLab, the path must be relative to the root directory in the other project, with the group and project name added to the end:



Use include feature, (available from GitLab 10.6):