'Shadows' vs. 'Overrides' in VB.NET

Shadowing probably doesn't do what you think it does.

Consider the following classes:

Public MustInherit Class A 
    Public Function fX() As Integer
        Return 0
    End Function
End Class

Public Class B
    Inherits A 
    Public Shadows Function fX() As Integer
        Return 1
    End Function 
End Class

Now I use them:

Dim oA As A
Dim oB As New B
oA = oB

You probably think oA and oB are the same right?


oA.fx = 0 while oB.fx = 1

Imho this is very dangerous behavior and it's barely mentioned in the docs.

If you had used override they would be the same.

So while there are legitimate uses for shadows, chances are whatever you're doing is not one of them and it should be avoided.

Overrides is the more normal qualifier. If the child class redefines a base class function in this way, then regardless of how a child object is referenced (using either a base class or a child class reference) it is the child function that is called.

On the other hand, if the child class function Shadows the base class function, then a child object accessed via a base class reference will use that base class function, despite being a child object.
The child function definition is only used if the child object is accessed using a matching child reference.

Overrides - Extending or creating alternate functionality for a method.

Example: Add or extended the functionality of the Paint event of a window.

    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
        MyBase.OnPaint(e) ' retain the base class functionality
        'add code for extended functionality here
    End Sub

Shadows - Redefines an inherited method and forces its use for all classes instanced with that type. In other words the method is not overloaded but redefined and the base class methods are not available, thus forcing the use of the function declared in the class. Shadows preserves or retains the definition of the method such that it is not destroyed if the base class methods are modified.

Example: Force all "B" classes to use it's oddball Add definition such that if A class Add methods are modified it won't affect B's add. (Hides all base class "Add" methods. Won't be able to call A.Add(x, y, z) from an instance of B.)

    Public Class A
        Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
            Return x + y
        End Function
        Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal z As Integer) As Integer
            Return x + y + z
        End Function
    End Class
    Public Class B
        Inherits A
        Public Shadows Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
            Return x - y
        End Function
    End Class

Sometime a small example really helps understand the difference in a technical way.

Sub Main()

    Dim o As New ChildClass

    Console.WriteLine(o.GetValOverride()) ' Prints 2
    Console.WriteLine(o.GetValShadow()) ' Prints 2
    Console.WriteLine(CType(o, ParentClass).GetValOverride()) ' Prints 2
    Console.WriteLine(CType(o, ParentClass).GetValShadow()) ' Prints 1

End Sub

Class ParentClass

    Public Overridable Function GetValOverride() As String
        Return "1"
    End Function

    Public Function GetValShadow() As String
        Return "1"
    End Function

End Class

Class ChildClass
    Inherits ParentClass

    Public Overrides Function GetValOverride() As String
        Return "2"
    End Function

    Public Shadows Function GetValShadow() As String
        Return "2"
    End Function

End Class