Shading in squares crossed by a diagonal

You could do something like this

 DynamicModule[{ptlst, height, length},
  {length, height} = Round[pt];
  ptlst = 
   Floor[1 + {height, length} #] & /@ 
     Union@Join[Range[0, 1, 1/length], Range[0, 1, 1/height]], 2];
  Show[ArrayPlot[SparseArray[Thread[ptlst -> 1]], Mesh -> True, 
    MeshStyle -> Gray, DataReversed -> True],
   Graphics[{Red, Line[{{0, height}, {length, 0}}]}],
   PlotRange -> {{-1, 21}, {-1, 21}},
   GridLines -> {Range[0, 21], Range[0, 21]},
   GridLinesStyle -> LightGray]],
 {{pt, {10, 10}}, {1, 1}, {20, 20}, {1, 1}, Locator}


Explanation of the code

We're representing the squares in the rectangle by an array of 0's and 1's. We're assuming that the rectangle has dimensions {length, height} and is aligned with the origin. The array is such that the unit square with lower left corner {k,l} corresponds to the element at index {l + 1, k + 1} in the array (the reversal of indices is because ArrayPlot plots an m by n array as a n by m rectangle).

The diagonal from {0,0} to {length, height} can be parameterized by {length, height} t where 0<=t<=1. To find all squares that are intersected by this diagonal, we first calculate the intersection points of the diagonal with the grid, i.e. we find a list of values for t such that either length t or height t is an integer. For two consecutive elements in this list, t0 and t1, the line segment from {length, height} t0 to {length, height} t1 will lie completely within one unit square. The coordinates of the lower left corner of this square are equal to Floor[{height, length} (t0+t1)/2] which corresponds to the element at index 1 + Floor[{length, height} (t0+t1)/2] in the array.

I was trying to answer this question, and i came up with the following related thing.

I was in doubt to post it, but I think is a "curious" way to count the squares that have been split by the diagonal by using image processing:

c[x_, y_] :=
 Module[{d = .03}, 
     Graphics[{Black, Table[Rectangle[(1 + d) {i,j}],{i, 0, x - 1}, {j, 0, y - 1}], 
               White, Thickness[d/4], Line[{{0, 0}, {x + (x - 1) d, y + (y - 1) d}}]}]]


c[4, 5] // Colorize

enter image description here

hence you can define:

countDividedSquares[x_, y_] := Max@
  Module[{d = .03}, 
    Graphics[{Black, Table[Rectangle[(1 + d) {i,j}], {i, 0, x - 1}, {j, 0, y - 1}],
              White, Thickness[d/4], Line[{{0, 0}, {x + (x - 1) d, y + (y - 1) d}}]}] 
    - x y];

countDividedSquares[4, 5]
-> 8

ListPlot with Filling and InterpolationOrder options:

 Manipulate[{length, width} = Round[p];
 lctr = Graphics[{Green, PointSize -> .025, Point[{length, width}]}];
 rectangle ={Green,Thick,Line[{{0, 0}, {0, width}, {length, width}, {length, 0}, {0, 0}}]};
 lst = Transpose[{#, (width/length) #} &@Range[0, length, 1]];
 data = {lst, lst /. {x_, y_} :> {x,Floor[y]}, 
 ((lst /. {x_Integer, y_} :> {Max[0, x - 1], Ceiling[y]}) // Append[#, Last@lst] &)};
 ListPlot[data, InterpolationOrder -> {1, 0, 0},
 Joined -> True, AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> False, 
 PlotStyle -> {{Thick, Red}, White, White},
 Filling -> {3 -> {{1}, {Black, Black}}, 1 -> {{2}, {Black, Black}}},
 GridLines -> {Table[i, {i, 0, 20}], Table[i, {i, 0, 20}]},
 Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True},
 Epilog -> rectangle, PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 20}}, 
 PlotRangePadding -> .2],
 {{p, {2, 3}}, {1, 1}, {20, 20}, {1, 1}, Locator, Appearance -> lctr}]

enter image description here


enter image description here