Setting visibility of columns of Attribute Table in QGIS?

The option you want is under 'Layer properties', but depending on the version it's either under:

  1. Layer Properties
  2. Fields
  3. Select 'Line Edit' in field(column) which you want to hide
  4. Select 'Hidden'

Or in QGIS 3.8.2 it's:

  1. Layer Properties
  2. Attributes Form
  3. Select the column you want to hide under 'Fields'
  4. Select 'Hidden' under 'Widget Type'

enter image description here

I found this via HasT's answer, but in QGIS 2.6.1-Brighton it's:

  1. Layer Properties
  2. Fields
  3. 'Edit widget' column
  4. Text Edit
  5. 'Hidden' from the list box (found this last step misleading since there are no other options, you just hit OK)

If your attribute table was already open, you'll have to close it and reopen it to see the changes.

If anyone knows how to batch the hiding fields steps, please comment. Kind of annoying when there's a ton of fields to hide!

Hiding of attribute fields got easier recently. According to v3.10 of the documentation on hiding of columns you can change the visibility of a column directly from the attribute table:

By right-clicking in a column header, you can choose to hide it from the attribute table.