Setting margin programmatically to CardView

In your case you are not specifically interested who is the parent of your CardView, because the only thing you want to change is the margin. All of the *LayoutParams classes are direct/indirect children of MarginLayoutParams, which means you can easily cast to MarginLayoutParams and perform change on that object:

ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams layoutParams =
        (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) myCardView.getLayoutParams();
layoutParams.setMargins(0, 0, SystemHelper.dpToPx(2), 0);

1) Set the Cardview Parameters for it to be displayed programtically

Setting Carview Parameters

CardView cardView = new CardView(context);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams cardViewParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);  

2) Set the Parameters for displaying the Margins around the cardview

Setting Params for Cardview Margins

ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams cardViewMarginParams = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) cardView.getLayoutParams(); 
cardViewMarginParams.setMargins(0, 30, 0, 30);
cardView.requestLayout();  //Dont forget this line