Setting aspect ratio of 3D plot

Add following code before savefig:

ax.auto_scale_xyz([0, 500], [0, 500], [0, 0.15])

enter image description here

If you want no square axis:

edit the get_proj function inside site-packages\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\

xmin, xmax = np.divide(self.get_xlim3d(), self.pbaspect[0])
ymin, ymax = np.divide(self.get_ylim3d(), self.pbaspect[1])
zmin, zmax = np.divide(self.get_zlim3d(), self.pbaspect[2])

then add one line to set pbaspect:

ax = fig.gca(projection = '3d')
ax.pbaspect = [2.0, 0.6, 0.25]

enter image description here

The answer to this question works perfectly for me. And you do not need to set up any ratio, it does everything automatically.