Set Width and Height of Element Screenshot in Puppeteer

You can use the clip option of elementHandle.screenshot() in conjunction with elementHandle.boundingBox() to set the width and height of an element screenshot.

The example below will take a screenshot of an element, and clip the element if it exceeds the current viewport:

await page.setViewport({
  width: 800,
  height: 1000,

const example = await page.$('#example');
const bounding_box = await example.boundingBox();

await example.screenshot({
  path: 'example.png',
  clip: {
    x: bounding_box.x,
    y: bounding_box.y,
    width: Math.min(bounding_box.width, page.viewport().width),
    height: Math.min(bounding_box.height, page.viewport().height),

I have a better solution using html2canvas in the front:

or using it with puppeteer and html2canvas in the Backend:

const screenshot = await page.evaluate(async () => {
   const canvasElement = await html2canvas($("div")[0], {
        // useCORS: true,

   let image = Canvas2Image.convertToImage(
    return image.src;
var fs = require('fs');
// strip off the data: url prefix to get just the base64-encoded bytes
var data = screenshot.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "");
var buf = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
fs.writeFile(`./screenshots/div-${}-.png`, buf);

full code here:

this is better because is easy to take a screenshot of a huge div, and no need to scroll, and you are not going to lose any part of the div