Set-up PHP SOAP Extension in Windows

Referring to the PHP docs, all you need to do is:

  1. Locate your php.ini file. This is normally under your <php_home> folder (for example, C:/PHP5).
  2. Search for and uncomment the line that says ;extension=php_soap.dll, by removing the first ; character, to make it looks like extension=php_soap.dll
  3. Then restart your server.

Note that the php_soap.dll is included in the default PHP5 distribution, and you can find it under the <php_home>/ext folder.

Hope this helps.

  1. open php.ini file in your text editor.
  2. Find ;extension=soap
  3. Remove ;
  4. Save changes
  5. Start the server again.

1: Find extension=php_soap.dll in php.ini and remove the semicolon(;)

2: Restart your Server

Reference : See here


