Set raw = true on Sequelize Model.create

Thank you very much for your help. I found a solution, though this isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but it works, and also still good.

The sequelize entity has a .get() method to return the plain object version. So it goes something like this:

.then((resultEntity) => {
    const dataObj = resultEntity.get({plain:true})

Coming from this thread: Sequelize, convert entity to plain object. Look for CharlesA's answer.

Haven't tried with arrays but check its comments and the answer next to it if you're having problems with array of results. But since .create() only returns an object, it works for me. Anyway if you are using .findAll(), you should use {raw: true} option instead of this solution because it works in that method.

P.S. If anyone still has a solution where Sequelize itself will not return that large resultEntity object, but just the plain data object, just like {raw: true} option (because I think that's still lighter?), we're open.

Thank you very much.

.then((resultEntity) => {
    const dataObj = resultEntity.get({plain:true})

Like mentioned before or if you want to keep with async/await syntax go for:

const myResultVar = (await Model.create(modelObject)).get({plain:true})

Basically the same thing just not leaving the async/await syntax behind :)

You can also use .toJSON() on the model instance that's returned from the query.