Serving Static resources from file system | Spring Boot Web

Spring Boot Maven Plugin can add extra directories to the classpath. In your case you could include that in your pom.



So that way you don't need inlcude any hard-code in your classes. Simply start your webapp with

mvn spring-boot:run

This is what I did in the WebConfig class, inside the addResourceHandlers method:

boolean devMode = this.env.acceptsProfiles("development");
String location;
if (devMode) {
    String currentPath = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();
    location = "file:///" + currentPath + "/client/src/";
} else {
    location = "classpath:static/";

file:/// is an absolute URL pointing to the root of the filesystem and, therefore, file:///./ext-resources/ means that Spring Boot is looking for resources in a directory named ext-resources in the root.

Update your configuration to use something like file:ext-resources/ as the URL.

static resources (eg:html js css etc) can be placed in the same level directory of project or jar, named public. contents will be servered without additional config.