Service Worker Install fails: "cannot read property 'addAll of undefined"

Encountered the same problem and found some other ways.

VS recognises "chrome.exe" while debugging and adds some parameters, that´s why service workers won´t working.

There is an option Debug => Option => Debugging => General => Enable javascript debugging for (Chrome, Edge and FireFox). If you don´t want to use js debugging in vs - like me because i use chrome for js debugging - just deactivate this option and service workers will work. VS Enable JS Debugging in Chrome

Alternatively you can add chrome as a new "browser" and switch the browser for debugging. Because vs recognise "chrome.exe" make a symlink via administative commandline "mklink chromedirect.exe chrome.exe" and add it as new browser in visual studio.

This can be done under the "Play" context menu => Browse with. VS Play Context Menu

Just add chromedirect.exe without any arguments and a friendly name like "Google Chrome Direct". After that you can switch to the browsers and select if you want VS JS Debugging or not.

So, I figured this out. I was going to vote to close the question, but I figured I'd leave it here as I saw some other people with this issue who didn't know how to resolve it. Even though it's super-stupid :) (or more accurately, I am).

So I was running the website via the "Play" button, aka "Start Debugging", which, in Visual Studio 2017, launches a special Chrome window, in which the above error will be thrown.

To work around the issue, I can (or you can, internet traveller of the future) simply start without debugging, host the website in IIS, etc.

EDIT: If there's a better workaround where I can use the service worker in debug mode, please suggest it and I'll mark that as the answer. For my specific problem though, the above workaround is fine :).