Serializing an ES6 class object as JSON

I made a module esserializer to solve this issue. It is a utility to serialize JavaScript class instance, and deserialize the "serialized-text" into an instance object, with all Class/Property/Method etc. retained.

To serialize an instance, just invoke the serialize() method:

const ESSerializer = require('esserializer');
let serializedString = ESSerializer.serialize(anObject);

The internal mechanism of serialize() is: save the instance' property and its class name information into string, recursively.

To deserialize from string, just invoke the deserialize() method, passing all involved classes as parameter:

const ESSerializer = require('esserializer');
const ClassA = require('./ClassA');
const ClassB = require('./ClassB');
const ClassC = require('./ClassC');

let deserializedObj = ESSerializer.deserialize(serializedString, [ClassA, ClassB, ClassC]);

The internal mechanism of deserialize() is: manually compose the object with its prototype information, recursively.

I've came across this library which does both serialization and deserialization of complex objects (including nested objects and arrays):

It has at least two methods:

plainToClass() -> json obj to class
classToPlain() -> class to json obj

As with any other object you want to stringify in JS, you can use JSON.stringify:


class MyClass {
  constructor() { = 3

var myClass = new MyClass()


Also worth noting is that you can customize how stringify serializes your object by giving it a toJSON method. The value used to represent your object in the resulting JSON string will be the result of calling the toJSON method on that object.

I know this question is old but I've been clawing my eyes out until I wrote a compact real, "safe", solution.

Deserialization returns objects that still have working methods attached to them.

The only thing you need to do is register the classes you want to use in the constructor of the serializer.

class Serializer{
    constructor(types){this.types = types;}
    serialize(object) {
        let idx = this.types.findIndex((e)=> {return ==});
        if (idx == -1) throw "type  '" + + "' not initialized";
        return JSON.stringify([idx, Object.entries(object)]);
    deserialize(jstring) {
        let array = JSON.parse(jstring);
        let object = new this.types[array[0]]();
        array[1].map(e=>{object[e[0]] = e[1];});
        return object;

class MyClass {
    constructor(foo) { = foo;}

var serializer = new Serializer([MyClass]);

console.log(serializer.serialize(new MyClass(42)));


The above should be enough to get you going, but more details and minified version can be found here.