Sentinel-2 projection shift

I've downloaded these granules and notice the same shift. It appears to be geographic processing error on ESA's behalf. I've never encountered a shift like this before. The image metadata is the same for both, which means some error occurred before the Level 1-C product. (the 100*100Km granules have already been processed, for more information look here)

I would suggest contacting ESA, maybe even on social media and let them know about this error. Nn several occasions before they've halted the data dissemination on the Pre-ops hub and its API due to processing errors. The shifted image is pretty recent, and might have yet to be noticed.

the anomaly has been identified and is currently under investigation. It is not systematic as far as we know. Please report this kind of anomaly to the Copernicus help desk.

Thanks Sébatien CLERC S2 Mission Performance Center