Selenium/python: extract text from a dynamically-loading webpage after every scroll

You can store the number of messages in a variable and use xpath and position() to get the newly added posts

dates = []
messages = []
num_of_posts = 1
for i in range(1, ScrollNumber):
    driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
    dates.extend(driver.find_elements_by_xpath('(//div[@class="message-date"])[position()>=' + str(num_of_posts) + ']'))
    messages.extend(driver.find_elements_by_xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "message-body")])[position()>=' + str(num_of_posts) + ']'))
    num_of_posts = len(dates)

I had the same issue with facebook posts. For that I save the post ID (or whatever value that's unique for the post, even a Hash) in a List and then when you made the query again, you need to check if that ID is in your list or not.

Also, you can remove the DOM that is parsed, so only the new ones will exists.

As others have said, if you can do what you need to do via hitting the API directly, thats your best bet. If you absolutely must use Selenium, see my solution below.

I do something similar to the below for my needs.

  • I'm leveraging :nth-child() aspect of CSS paths to individually find elements as they load.
  • I'm also using selenium's explicit wait functionality (via the explicit package, pip install explicit) to efficiently wait for elements to load.

The script is quit fast (no calls to sleep()), however, the webpage itself has so much junk going on in the background that it often takes a while for selenium to return control to the script.

from __future__ import print_function

from itertools import count
import sys
import time

from explicit import waiter, CSS
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import WebDriverWait as Wait

# The CSS selectors we will use
POSTS_BASE_CSS = ' > li'              # All li elements
POST_BASE_CSS = POSTS_BASE_CSS + ":nth-child({0})"  # li child element at index {0}
POST_DATE_CSS = POST_BASE_CSS + ' div.message-date'     # li child element at {0} with div.message-date
POST_BODY_CSS = POST_BASE_CSS + ' div.message-body'     # li child element at {0} with div.message-date

class Post(object):
    def __init__(self, driver, post_index):
        self.driver = driver
        self.date_css = POST_DATE_CSS.format(post_index)
        self.text_css = POST_BODY_CSS.format(post_index)

    def date(self):
        return waiter.find_element(self.driver, self.date_css, CSS).text

    def text(self):
        return waiter.find_element(self.driver, self.text_css, CSS).text

def get_posts(driver, url, max_screen_scrolls):
    """ Post object generator """
    screen_scroll_count = 0

    # Wait for the initial posts to load:
    waiter.find_elements(driver, POSTS_BASE_CSS, CSS)

    for index in count(1):
        # Evaluate if we need to scroll the screen, or exit the generator
        # If there is no element at this index, it means we need to scroll the screen
        if len(driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(' > :nth-child({0})'.format(index))) == 0:
            if screen_scroll_count >= max_screen_scrolls:
                # Break if we have already done the max scrolls

            # Get count of total posts on page
            post_count = len(waiter.find_elements(driver, POSTS_BASE_CSS, CSS))

            # Scroll down
            driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
            screen_scroll_count += 1

            def posts_load(driver):
                """ Custom explicit wait function; waits for more posts to load in """
                return len(waiter.find_elements(driver, POSTS_BASE_CSS, CSS)) > post_count

            # Wait until new posts load in
            Wait(driver, 20).until(posts_load)

        # The list elements have sponsored ads and scripts mixed in with the posts we
        # want to scrape. Check if they have a div.message-date element and continue on
        # if not
        includes_date_css = POST_DATE_CSS.format(index)
        if len(driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(includes_date_css)) == 0:

        yield Post(driver, index)

def main():
    url = ""
    max_screen_scrolls = 4
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
        for post_num, post in enumerate(get_posts(driver, url, max_screen_scrolls), 1):
            print("*" * 40)
            print("Post #{0}".format(post_num))
            print("\nDate: {0}".format(
            print("Text: {0}\n".format(post.text[:34]))

        driver.quit()  # Use try/finally to make sure the driver is closed

if __name__ == "__main__":

Full disclosure: I'm the creator of the explicit package. You could easily rewrite the above using explicit waits directly, at the expense of readability.