selectize.js - how can I disable the flashing cursor after the selected item?

Selectize isn't particularly designed to act just as a select decorator. The cursor comes from an <input> element that allows the user wittle down options. Hiding the input will create strange behavior when the user types. Also, when the control is empty, the input is used to display the placeholder text.

Technically you can hide the cursor (and input) with CSS:

/* option a: make transparent */
.selectize-input input {
    color: transparent !important;

/* option b: position off-screen */
.selectize-input input {
    position: absolute !important;
    top: -9999px;
    left: -9999px;

But again, this is going to feel funky. I'll look into writing a decorator_only plugin that disables keyboard handling, but it's not an immediate priority.