Select only the first row when merging data frames with multiple matches

Here is another method using dplyr::distinct. It is useful if you want to keep all rows from 'data' even if there is no match.

data = data.frame(id=c(1,2,3,4,5),
scores = data.frame(id=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3),
data %>% dplyr::left_join(dplyr::distinct(scores, id, .keep_all = T))
# Joining, by = "id"
# id state score
# 1  1    KS    66
# 2  2    MN    86
# 3  3    AL    76
# 4  4    FL    NA
# 5  5    CA    NA

Moreover, if you want to replace the NAs in the new data.frame, try the tidyr::replace_na() function. Example:

data %>% dplyr::left_join(dplyr::distinct(scores, id, .keep_all = T)) %>% tidyr::replace_na(replace = list("score"=0L))
# Joining, by = "id"
# id state score
# 1  1    KS    66
# 2  2    MN    86
# 3  3    AL    76
# 4  4    FL     0
# 5  5    CA     0

Here is a base R method using aggregate and head:

merge(data, aggregate(score ~ id, data=scores, head, 1), by="id") 

The aggregate function breaks up the scores dataframe by id, then head is applied to get the first observation from each id. Since aggregate returns a data.frame, this is directly merged onto the data.frame data.

Probably more efficient is to subset the scores data.frame using duplicated which will achieve the same result as aggregate, but will reduce the computational overhead.

merge(data, scores[!duplicated(scores$id),], by="id")

Using data.table along with mult = "first" and nomatch = 0L:

setDT(scores); setDT(data) # convert to data.tables by reference

scores[data, mult = "first", on = "id", nomatch=0L]
#    id score state
# 1:  1    66    KS
# 2:  2    86    MN
# 3:  3    76    AL

For each row on data's id column, the matching rows in scores' id column are found, and the first one alone is retained (because mult = "first"). If there are no matches, they're removed (because of nomatch = 0L).

