Select/map each item of a Powershell array to a new array

Like this:

$a = @("file1.txt","file2.txt")
$b = "c:\temp\"
$c = $a | % { $b + $_ }

I can't figure this w/o a foreach. Sorry

Using the great job from Josh Einstein LINQ for Powershell

you can write this:

$a = @("file1.txt","file2.txt")
$b = "c:\temp\"
$c = $a | Linq-Select -Selector {$b + $_ }

having same results in a LINQ manner but not using a foreach (%).

An array in Powershell is declared with @() syntax. % is shorthand for foreach-object. Let's declare an array with all the file names and loop through it with foreach. join-path combines a path and a child path into a single path.

$files = @("file1.txt", "file2.txt")
$pFiles = $files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ }



NB: if the input consists of single an element, foreach will not return a collection. If an array is desired, either use explicit type or wrap the results. Like so,

[array]$pFiles = $files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ }
$pFiles = @($files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ })