select dropdownlist item using cypress

Material Design Select and Cypress

This is the same basic problem as Access element whose parent is hidden -, except this question is angularjs + md-select and that question was angular + mdc-select.

Nevertheless, the two versions of material design select use the same trick of making the parent control invisible (by setting width and height to 0) after clicking it to open the options.

cypress will not allow a click of an option, because it think options are invisible because the parent is invisible.

The work around is to use .then() to get access to the unwrapped list item, and use jquery click to select it instead of cypress click.

I have tested it on an Angular 5 setup, and because of the similarity of the problem expect it to work with an AngularJS setup.

AngularJS with md-select

describe('Testing material design select', function() {

  it('selects an option by click sequence (fails due to visibility issue)', function() {

    const doc = cy.visit('http://localhost:4200');
    cy.get('md-option').contains('Country seven').click();


  it('selects an option by click sequence', function() {

    const doc = cy.visit('http://localhost:4200')
    cy.get('md-option').contains('Country seven').then(option => {

      // Confirm have correct option
      cy.wrap(option).contains('Country seven');  

      option[0].click();  // this is jquery click() not cypress click()

      // After click, md-select should hold the text of the selected option
      cy.get('[name="countries"]').contains('Country seven')  


Angular 2+ with mdc-select

describe('Testing material design select', function() {

  it('selects an option by click sequence (fails due to visibility issue)', function() {

    const doc = cy.visit('http://localhost:4200');
    cy.get('mdc-select-item').contains('Country seven').click();


  it('selects an option by click sequence', function() {

    const doc = cy.visit('http://localhost:4200')
    cy.get('mdc-select-item').contains('Country seven').then(option => {

      // Confirm have correct option
      cy.wrap(option).contains('Country seven');


      // After click, mdc-select should hold the text of the selected option
      cy.get('[name="countries"]').contains('Country seven');


For Angular using material dropdown:

cy.get('mat-select').contains('CA').click({ force: true })