Seeking Australian Spatial Data?

Try for Australian spatial data. Most of it in kml/kmz format.

Most state governments also have equivalent sites. For example:


Geoscience Australia has an extensive catalogue of data for sale or for free download, including the Geodata 250K Topography dataset package. Also, the Bureau of Statistics now offers a lot of data (including historical) in spatial formats.

A few of these sites will require a sign-up, but beyond a basic form to fill in you should be good to go with the data.

My list of Free GIS Data lists freely available GIS data for various countries including Australia. Unfortunately there is only one link for Australia, but that is to a government site which seems to provide a lot of data.

Also, a large number of global datasets are linked to on that page, which may give you interesting data to demo to your clients (for example, climate data, gridded population data, airline route data).

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Australian 2006 census

  • Download the digital boundaries from the ABS here.
  • Download the census tables (at Collection District level) here.

Australian 2011 census

  • digital boundaries and census tables available here (you need to register)

Postal areas and Suburbs

  • Download boundaries from the ABS here. (Postal areas are similar to but not quite identical to post codes. The latter are only available commercially.)


  • Crime statistics (New South Wales only) available here - links to the ABS digital boundaries


