See "real" commit date in github (hour/day)

Hover your mouse over the 2 years ago and you'll get the timestamp.

The real date does not appear for me upon hovering "2 years ago", despite the text being wrapped by a <time> element with an iso value under its datetime attribute.

If all else fails, like it did for me, try inspecting the text.

Sample element:

<time datetime="2015-01-22T20:48:13Z" is="relative-time" title="Jan 22, 2015, 2:48 PM CST">7 days ago</time>

you can just use this js bookmark:

javascript:(function() { 
        var relativeTimeElements = window.document.querySelectorAll("relative time");
        timeElement.innerHTML = timeElement.innerHTML +" -- "+ timeElement.title;

It adds just the correct time: Like this: committed 21 hours ago -- 15. Feb. 2017, 15:49 MEZ