Second optional argument for newcommand to be the same of the first in case it is not specified

The standard \newcommand doesn't support it. The kernel provides \@dblarg:


However, you can do it more robustly and easily with xparse:



Full example:


\newcommand{\paren}[1]{\left(#1\right)} %this is just an example command






Not that I endorse that definition of \paren, of course. ;-)

enter image description here

The latex format has a standard command for doubling an optional argument in this way (as used for \section[zz]{zz})


\newcommand{\xmypar}[2][]{#2\left(#1\right)} %this is just an example command






You can check for an empty argument in #1 and use it to condition on displaying either #1 or #2:

enter image description here



\newcommand{\paren}[1]{\mleft(#1\mright)} %this is just an example command
  \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax #2\else #1\fi\paren{#2}}


$A = \mypar{a} = \mypar[a]{a} \neq \mypar[b]{a}$


The following definition is a little simpler, but also works:

  \ifx\relax#1\relax #2\else #1\fi\paren{#2}}