Searching for words in Outlook 2010


You can use the Search function from the ribbon within an e-mail: Find Button

This will find text within an e-mail.

In the upper-right of your inbox, there is a search box. This box searches all e-mails and their contents (minus attachments).

There is also a search tab that you can enable.

More information here.

search ribbon

  1. Double click to open the email.
  2. Press F4 to bring up the search box, and search the contents of this email.

PS: I haven't been able to figure out a way to fire up such a search without opening the email. Yes, a huge inconvenience, no doubt.

You can search the body of emails using the "Body" section of the search in Outlook. Attached is a screen shot of where you would search for text in the body of an email.Outlook Search