Searching for collaborators in a specific university

Web of Science can do this to some extent.

  1. Go to Web of Science and search the keyword in "topic".
  2. After getting results, refine by funding agencies and look for the institution you want.

I'm not sure how comprehensive this is, though.

There are likely not all that many departments at the other university where possible collaborators could be located. Assuming they are in a part of the world where departments and people have websites, go to the website of the possible departments, and then the websites of faculty in that department. This way, you are not limited by the vagaries of having to find the right keywords to search, but instead get an overview of what people in that department do -- and maybe find someone who is not doing exactly what you are doing but instead could use the knowledge you have because they don't already have it themselves.

It sounds quite strange to sign collaboration agreements without any feeling of what is going on on the other site. Get the text of the agreements. Presumably some discussions on potential collaboration areas were part of the negotiations, contacting the people signing the agreement (and/or the people involved in negotiations) would be the first step. First locally, then (probably through them) their counterparts.

Contact the chairmen of the possible departments over there, they should be the most interested in getting the collaboration go forward. They should be able (and interested) in putting you in contact with potential counterparts.