Script run with shebang does not resolve aliases, how to circumvent?

Non-interactive bash won't expand aliases even if your script defines them (defines directly or by sourcing another file, explicitly or not); unless shopt -s expand_aliases.

I don't know zsh but I think this is irrelevant. Aliases are fine in your daily command line routine but in general they are not meant to be used in scripts. You should solve the problem without them in a shell-agnostic way.

I don't know WSL either. The following methods are quite basic in Linux, they should work.

  1. A symlink:

    ln -s "/full/path/to/docker.exe" "/some/dir/in/your/PATH/docker"

    This way you will be able to run docker.exe under the name docker in (or even without) any shell. One disadvantage: if docker.exe is moved to another location then the symlink will stop working. You will need to remove it and recreate with the new path to docker.exe.

  2. A wrapper script:

    # adjust the shebang if needed
    exec docker.exe "$@"

    Save it as docker in some directory in PATH; make the file executable. Now if you run docker, the script will exec to docker.exe. Again, calling docker will work in any shell, if only your PATH variable leads to docker and docker.exe.

Aliases are often used to "inject" an option (or options). Although this is not your case, let's make the answer more general. Consider alias ll='ls -l'. You cannot create a symlink that does this. You can however make a script, the relevant line would be:

exec ls -l "$@"

Your .bashrc or whatever file your setup uses should have a line like this: [[ $- != *i* ]] && return which will abort sourcing the resource file if it isn't an interactive shell. Thus your aliases are not sourced, because they are for interactive convenience.

To use an alias in you shell script you need to source a file of aliases or define the alias in the script. Ultimately, it will be more lines of code to do this, and you are better off just calling the .exe file directly in the script.

NB. We really shouldn't source an alias file or our .bashrc into a script, because they are likely to change.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.