Scraping text in h3 and div tags using beautifulSoup, Python

You can use CSS selectors to find the data you need. In your case div > h3 ~ div will find all div elements that are directly inside a div element and are proceeded by a h3 element.

import bs4

page= """
<div class="box effect">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-10">
    <div><i class="fa user"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;NAME</div>
    <div><i class="fa phone"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;MOBILE</div>
    <div><i class="fa mobile-phone fa-2"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NUMBER</div>
    <div><i class="fa address"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XYZ_ADDRESS</div>

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')

# find all div elements that are inside a div element
# and are proceeded by an h3 element
selector = 'div > h3 ~ div'

# find elements that contain the data we want
found =

# Extract data from the found elements
data = [x.text.split(';')[-1].strip() for x in found]

for x in data:

Edit: To scrape the text in heading..

heading = soup.find('h3') 
heading_data = heading.text

Edit: Or you can get the heading and other div elements at once by using a selector like this: div.col-lg-10 > *. This finds all elements inside a div element that belongs to col-lg-10 class.

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')

# find all elements inside a div element of class col-lg-10
selector = 'div.col-lg-10 > *'

# find elements that contain the data we want
found =

# Extract data from the found elements
data = [x.text.split(';')[-1].strip() for x in found]

for x in data: